Life, Entertainment, Sports, News, Whatever goes on in my head

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Monday Mayhem PM Edition


Daily Quote:"Don't be scared to be smart cause your smart friends will admire you and your dumb ones wont know the difference" - A past teacher of mine.

Strange Happenings In The News This Past Week:
Man Assaults Chuck. E. Cheese Mascot
Couple Flees After Bank Error Gives Them 8 Million Dollars
North Korea Conducts Nuclear Tests
DVDs That Can Hold 10,000 Movies On Sale Within 5 Years
Drinking Large Amounts Of Cola Can Cause Paralysis

My hockey predictions are holding strong, lets move on to the final shall we

Photobucket vs Photobucket

And let me predict the NBA Finals

Photobucket vs Photobucket

Whats new with me:
Today as i woke up this morning, to tired to get up from bed to get to school. I asked mom if i could stay home (bad advice to my readers) then she started to lecture about University and grades so i said to myself "Forget it, let me go to school". As i got out of bed, the bus came and past. But i eventually made it to school, but i missed English >.<. But i was able to pass my "Careers in Multimedia" assignment and took my chemistry test, which im optomisticly thinking I done well in :).

As i got home, checked my blogs that im following (which you can check out here). After eating and whatnot, I decided to do my workout, or what i like to call "My attempt to add some muscle and strength to my weak pale 170 pound body :)". It went well. So as I try to remember what homework i have to do (hopefully i won't remember any :P) and think of something to eat on my protein enriched diet.

I find myself listening to the audiobook "100 Ways To Motivate Yourself" If you can find this, I recommend listening to it, its less than an hour long. One tip that stuck out to me "Every human has the capacity for genious, To reach Einsteins creative level of thinking, all you have to do is get use your imagination, sometimes this is difficult idea for grown ups to follow. As they use their imagination for one thing "Worrying" and all their ideas of visualizeation are used to picture worst case cenarios. The human imagination are used for better things. People who imagine to create things, do better in life than people who worry, even if they have a higher IQ.". The entire audiobook is awesome, a 5/5.

But don't worry, I do not have any Motvational problems, how else would i get this blog done!

Peace out! and stay motivated.

PS: I'll see if i can find a link to the 100 ways to motivate yourself audiobook!

Oh!, I couldn't leave you guys without a video!

I have a hunch that if your a wrestling fan or a newb, you probobly won't find an eppisode of Raw as exciting in recent memory than this one


  1. That's a cool quote you got there. :P

    How did you workout? I'm interested in -easy- workout tips. XD

  2. Well i do a weight training routine, if your interested, i could blog about it
